Thursday, February 25, 2010

February PTI Blog Hop!

it's time for my 2nd PTI Blog Hop! woohoo :D

here's the challenge from Nichole...

Since we just finished up our 3rd Anniversary Festivities, we thought we would do something extra special for this month's Blog Hop! Design Team Appreciation Day! Your challenge is to go through the Design Team gallery or any of the Design Team members' blogs and find a project that is especially inspirational to you! Then recreate the project with your own spin, making it unique! Be sure to share a link and photo of the original project that inspired you! And you can also use this opportunity to thank the team for all their contributions this past year! I know they inspire ME daily and I never seem to thank them enough! We look forward to seeing your projects!

well, i was SUPER excited to participate, because there are SO many awesome creations by the design team ALL THE TIME... i seem to visit the DT blogs at least once a day... i think i'm addicted :) i wish i could make a card based on everyone's creations, but i don't have the time :/

BUT, knowing i couldn't do that, i made do--i actually made 2 cards based of a compilation of DT cards (i couldn't pick just one!)

so the first card i made is based off of Dawn McVey's type of card--complete with polka dots, ribbon, and a simple style.

here are the cards i used as a starting point-->

and here is my recreation based off of the above cards... i used some polka dots, a scalloped felt edge, and a butterfly. then, because i love Dawn's handwriting (don't you? it's so FUN!) i thought that the sentiment would be perfect if i used her "So Sweet of you" stamp from the Signature Greetings set.

oh yes, and i made sure to use several shades of pink--something we all know Dawn loves, right? :D

my next card is based off a couple of cards created by Melissa Phillips... they're always so soft and feminine... so i used bits and pieces of each of the following-->

(the butterfly from this card...)

(the strips of patterned paper from this card, along with the Maya Road flowers...)

(and the purples, light green, and lace from this card...)

and here's mine:

i'm going to use this as a sympathy card, which i always thing are harder to make--i used a smattering of things from my stash (especially because not all my craft things are out because of my recent move) a vintage button, another butterfly plus one detail-cut from a DCWV paper pad, MM patterned paper, and more. this card features the Big and Bold Wishes set from PTI.

anyway, thanks for looking, and i hope you have a lovely time hopping along to see all the creations :D


Paulina said...

Oh SO fun, Ginny! Love both of the cards!

Lea L. said...

Wow...these are very beautiful! I love them both, but all the details & goodies in the second one make it my favorite! Great job with the challenge!


colleenk said...

I love them both! So pretty!

Dana said...

WOW. What a great idea to combine several cards to CASE. Both of yours are amazing, but that 2nd one is really something! I keep looking at it and seeing something new.

Ted said...

Love that vintage "Sending You" card... so elegant, Ginny!

Kelly S. said...

Oh you captured each designer's style so well even though they are so different! Love that STRIPED ribbon, it's awesome on your card!

Taheerah said...

My favourite is definitely your first card - love it!!

Elizabeth S. said...

Such fun and beautiful cards! I love the felt on the first card. Your take on Melissa's card is just fantastic.

Diane said...

Wow! Your cards are great! I would have been able to spot Melissa's style even if you hadn't mentioned her name. Thanks for sharing!!

Lori said...

such a great job on both cards!!

Anika said...

Great cards! So pretty!

Tricia said...

Beautiful cards! You definitely captured their styles!

Anonymous said...

Yikes- these are gorgeous!! Jaw dropping gorgeous!

Lori said...

Both are beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Ginny, these are GORGEOUS! You captured the essence of each designer perfectly!

(-: Heidi

Banu said...

WOW!! Awesome Projects. The Sending you card is just out of this world. Way too neat.

Marge said...

WOW, WOW, WOW!!! LOVE these!

Shay said...

Such cool, cool cards!! I really love them both. I can't wait to explore your blog more later.

Rhonda said...

I think you captured the designers so well!! Love your take.

Nadine said...

Love your take on Melissa's card! For me she's always the hardest to recreate but you did it beautifully! Great job on the challenge.

Rosanne said...

Both cards are beautiful!

Lizzie Jones said...

Beautiful work! I especially love your first card. The color combo is so cheerful! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy L. said...

lovely cards!

Anonymous said...

Wow great job. Very pretty cards!

Kay said...

Stunning cards! LOVE your butterfly (gasp!) and the vintage look of the second one is perfection!! ♥♥Kay

Anonymous said...

Amazing details on your cards, especially like the second one!

Liz said...

Great job!

Carly said...

Beautiful cards!!

Dru said...


Daniela F. said...

Very pretty cards, Ginny! Your take on Melissa's card is simply stunning!!

Unknown said...

Great job with your cards - they are so pretty! :)

Cammie said...

Your cards are beautiful. What wonderful tributes to Dawn and Melissa.

Sherry said...

Gorgeous cards!

Janelle said...

Wonderful cards! Love the way you picked bits and pieces of several cards and combined them. Really great job!

Gayatri said...

You have done an awesome job. I really like your version of Melissa Phillips's cards. Well done

Linda said...

Wow! Nice blending of several cards.

Sharron said...

Stunning! I love your first card but the version of Melissa's style is just awesome! All the wonderful detail and soft colors make it perfect!

Tonya said...

Those both turned out great , but the second one is beautiful and feminine!

Michelle (abzzymom) said...

You did an awesome job combining the cards to make one! They both turned out great!

IamDerby said...

Your cards are gorgeous, way to rock the challenge.

peggysue said...

Gorgeous and so detailed, great hop creations!

~amy~ said...

wowza girlie...lovin' both of your gorgeous cards!!

Jennifer L. said...

The 2nd card is really impressive. I just can't figure out how people pull off that style - so many lovely details and patterns.

Laural-Lee said...

I like the vintage feel to your cards.

Maureen said...

wow! two different stunning styles!! love how you used the big and bold set :)

Rose said...

Wow, both cards are stunning...i love the dots in the felt scallop border...but your 'melissa' card is really stunning !!

Rebecca said...

GREAT cards!

Lisa Voerg said...

Wow you really did a fantastic job with your cards. They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

So pretty! I love how you combined all the different elements!

Kim Wilson said...

Thank you for the comment :) I love your profile pic! So cute! And the cards omg :) Im definantly going to start following you!

karen h said...

Oh my goodness your cards are wonderful! I gotta add your blog to my reader!! Melissa Phillips is a wonderful designer but her stuff intimidates me - I love how you made her style work for you.

Cecelia said...

Oh my gosh! These cards are fantastic. You are the best. You know that already...but it's true. BEAUTIFUL.